The Great Andromeda Galaxy. Visible to the naked eye and its also the closest large galaxy to our own Milky Way Galaxy. A small asteroid was cruising through the area when this data was obtained. TV-85 at F/5.6, Canon 350 XT (modified,) 68×240″ ISO1600.
M45 2011 Version – Calibrated and stacked in IRIS, export to PSD file. Post processing in PSCS2 with Noel Carboni’s Astronomy Tools, Gradient Xterminator, Neat Image, Astroplugins, DeepSkyColors HLVG and WhiteCal and CS2 Smartsharpen.
On the night of October 1st/2nd, 2010, Comet Hartley 2 made a close approach to the Pacman Nebula. I was fortunate to have great weather and devoted my whole night to imaging the get together.
Technical: 286 minutes of exposure (44×60 sec, 34×120 sec & 58×180 sec @ ISO 1600,) TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Hutech Canon XS. (This image was also used in an online article at Sky and Telescope’s website, which is here: )
Images of Comets, Nebulae, Galaxies and Star Clusters