Trump In Contact with Off-Worlders?

OK, this could be BIG!   This is a clip from Trump talking in a recent Covid-19 Status Update.

This is what I heard Trump say :

“..and 51 countries.  Somebody said to me today, that wasn’t in this particular world, they didn’t know that we had that many countries.”

Not in this particular world?  The actual world or the world of politics?   I suspect dual meanings.   It is like Trump said it, but he didn’t, which is typical of how he trolls the deep state by spilling all their carefully kept secrets, but always with plausible deniability.

If they are ET, maybe he has a trade deal cooked up?   If so, I want a flying anti-grav hoverboard.  heheh.

On other occasions, we’ve seen at least two people who look somewhat out of place in Trump’s entourage of Secret Service agents:

Who exactly are these guys and why are they so tall?

Then, there is this meeting Trump had when he signed the SpaceForce into existence:

Who is the lady with the “bun” hairdo and is she trying to hide something about her head shape?    Also, is she related to the first two gentlemen below?

Pretty weird, huh?   I thought so.

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