Hi! I'm Mike Broussard. Welcome to my home page!
This is my work-in-progress webpage for
my personal interests.
Synergy ITG, which is where I work, let me put
it up here. I have had other web sites on the internet on and off since
1995. This is it's latest incarnation.
Well, take a look around. I am an
amateur astronomer, so the slant for my site is astrophotography.
Among the links in the sidebar area to the left are pictures of comets,
the moon, some planets, meteors and deep sky objects.
The newest
images are linked at the bottom of the page.
you enjoy looking at my pictures, send me some
email and let me know.
I enjoy taking pictures like this very much and enjoy sharing them via the
Internet with all of you even more!
Thanks for visiting. Enjoy your stay. :-)

My Celestron C-8 Telescope, 2000mm F/10

The Andromeda Galaxy

Mars on 10/05/05

The Great Orion Nebula

Saturn on 12/23/05

Jupiter on 4/16/06

Milky Way on 8/14/06

Dumbbell Nebula on 7/15/06

Visitors since September 6, 2003 |