For this imaging session of the Moon, I wanted to try shooting at 2400 mm focal length using a 2x Barlow with my 6 inch, F/8 Newtonian scope and Sony IMX224 eyepiece cam. This was done in preparation to get some shots of Jupiter I’ve been meaning to do. Conditions for this session were marginal, at best, however.
I had clouds galore and seeing was very poor. I only managed three captures before the clouds came in force and shut me down. At least I got a chance to try the rig on something easy before I attempt capturing Jupiter with it.
I left the mount setup outside and took in the scope and laptop, thinking that I could get Jupiter when I woke up the following morning. Unfortunately, the skies were no better than the night before and although I could see Jupiter, clouds were coming and going over it. So, no luck with getting Jupiter, just yet. Maybe next time…