The Orion Nebula on Nov 28, 2014. 24×60 sec and 27×300 sec @ ISO 1600, C8 at F/6.3, IDAS-LPS, Canon T3 (modified.)
One of my first images shot through a telescope at prime focus was of M42, the Orion Nebula. It was taken with my Celestron C8 SCT and 35mm film. Here’s the latest digital version of the same object taken with the same scope. I had to work hard aligning and collimating the scope before taking the sub-images for this, but the old girl is back in shape and delivered some useful data for this often imaged object. It just fits in the field of view at 1260mm of focal length.
NGC 891 on Nov 27, 2014. 35×300 sec @ ISO 1600, C8 at F/6.3, IDAS-LPS, Canon T3 (modified.)
Edge-on galaxy NGC 891. The “Outer Limits” moniker is from an old 1960’s sci-fi TV show of the same name. An image of the galaxy was featured prominently in the closing credits, along with some other galaxy images, all in black and white.
NGC 7331 taken with a TV-85 and a C8. 27×300 sec @ ISO 1600 (TV85) and 23×150 @ ISO 3200 (C8), Canon T3 (modified.)NGC-7331 detail view. Nov 20, 2014, 23×150 @ ISO 3200, C8 at F/6.3. Oct 27, 2014, 27×300 @ ISO 1600, TV-85 at F/5.6. IDAS-LPS, modified Canon T3.
At the end of October 2014, I was shooting images of some brighter NGC galaxies, but the TV-85 scope I was using just didn’t have enough image scale to do them justice, so I never posted them. Well, my old C8 is still kickin’ and it has over 2.5 times the focal length of the smaller refractor. But, I needed a way to guide it and the 50mm guiding scope arrangement I used once for it was just not good enough.
M33 on Nov 14, 2014. 77×150 sec @ ISO 3200, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Modified Canon T3.
Here’s a center crop of M33 that I took recently. It didn’t come too bad, all things considered. Notice that there is an asteroid to the right of the nucleus of M33, before that bright star. That is 1503 Kuopio (1938 XD,) a mag 14.3 asteroid that just happened to be in the shot. So, I got two for the price of one for this gig. 🙂
Orion’s Belt Mosaic. Upper frame is 50×60 sec @ ISO 3200, plus 40×60 @ ISO 6400. The lower frame is data from 2007, 31×180 sec ISO 1600 and some 2013 data that includes 40×180 sec ISO 1600 sub-images. Finally, there are 3×180 sec @ ISO 800 sub-images that were taken on Nov 2, 2014. Scope and camera used were a TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS filter and a Modified Canon T3.
Here’s one that’s in progress. I shot this area over two nights. I have very little of the Horse Head region from these sessions, but another 40 subs of the belt stars upper frame area. I should be able to put something together with other data from older sessions and get a somewhat complete mosaic image. (Update: Yes, I was able to add some old data and smooth it out.)
M45, The Pleiades. 40×120 sec @ ISO 3200, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Modified Canon T3.
I had time to kill while waiting for Orion to get into position, so I shot 40 x 2 minute sub-images of the Pleiades at ISO 3200. I did not spend much time in post processing this, but it came out half-decent regardless.
The Double Cluster on Nov 1, 2014. 40×180 sec @ ISO 400, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Modified Canon T3.
A bright moon precluded shooting any dim deep sky objects (DSO’s.) Star cluster are still viable targets, though. I had time to kill so I picked the most photogenic star cluster(s) to shoot – the Double Cluster.
The Moon on November 2nd, 2014. 1/500th sec @ ISO 100, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Modified Canon T3.
A bright moon dominated the night sky on the evening of Nov 2nd, 2014. I used it as a focusing target before starting to shoot DSO’s. The image came out good enough to post here.
Galaxy NGC 253 on Nov 1, 2014. 17×120 sec @ ISO 800, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Modified Canon T3.
I just had to visit my old friend, NGC 253, just to see how it was doing. A bright moon and only a short window of possible imaging time did not let me get much data, but at least I got to see it again.
Mirach and Mirach’s Ghost on Halloween, 2014. 42×60 sec @ ISO 800, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Modified Canon T3.
An appropriately named object was chosen as an early evening test target on Halloween night, 2014. Mirach is Beta Andromedae and it is a jump off point for finding M31 and M33. Mirach’s Ghost is that small object very near Mirach that looks almost like a reflection glint of the bright star itself. Nope, it is actually NGC 404, a small elliptical galaxy that just happens to lie in the same line of sight.
Images of Comets, Nebulae, Galaxies and Star Clusters