Imaging Session Aug 8th, 2020

Witch’s Broom Nebula. 1.75 hours in 30 sec sub-images, gain 42, offset 150, QHY183c at -15C, UHC-S filter, Televue TV-85 at F/5.6.
The Moon on Aug 8, 2020. 7 frames stacked with SharpCap 3.2 LiveStack, UHC-S filter, QHY183c at -15C, Televue TV-85 at F/5.6.
Pacman Nebula – 188×15 sec, Gain 30, Offset 150, QHY183c at -10C, UHC-S filter, Televue TV-85 at F/5.6.

The night of August 7th/8th, 2020 was relatively clear, but hot and slightly muggy.  Average transparency at first and below average towards the end of the night.  I wanted to get out to my dark sky site, but at the last minute decided to stay in the big city, being that the conditions were not ideal.

I observed quite a few things and did quickies on them and some of the images are not really worth being posted.  Here is one below of the Ring Nebula, which was.  I was actually after the little galaxy next to the ring,  IC 1296, which my Canon cameras never showed despite shooting the ring with them from much darker locations.   It is nearly 15th magnitude and even dimmer in blue light, where it predominantly radiates

Ring Nebula and IC 1296. 372×15 sec, QHY183c, Gain 30, Offset 50, -10C cooling, UHC-S filter, Televue TV85 at F/5.6.

Below is a rendition from previous sessions data and this nights efforts.

Ring Nebula and IC 1296. 34×30, 4×15 sec, Gain 42, Offset 100, 372×15 sec, Gain 30, offset 50, QHY183c -10C to -15C,, UHC-S filter, Televue TV85 at F/5.6.

Finally, with the Witch’s Broom Nebula data from this night and 2 other nights, I combined the data to make this updated rendition of the W. Veil/Witch’s Broom Nebula.   Check it out:

Witch’s Broom Nebula, combined data. 90×30, 46×30 and 410×15 sec data sets all taken with the QHY183c camera and Televue TV-85.

3 thoughts on “Imaging Session Aug 8th, 2020”

  1. I also have a tv-85 and use a ioptron cem 40 and wanting to start Astro photography I live in the city I have the uhc-s filter is there another filter that you could recommend for light pollution thank you

    1. UHC-S is perhaps the most versatile for heavy LP areas, but the Optolong L-eNhance is the best for emission nebula like the Veil and Dumb Bell nebulae from heavy LP skies.

      I own and use both in 2 inch format. I thread the filter onto the TV TRF-2008 0.8x FF/FR and that works well enough.

      Don’t try galaxies with the L-eNhance, it is too narrow to do much for them. I hear the Optolong L-Pro is pretty good, but is more of a broadband filter and works better from darker skies. Mine are Bortle 7 to 8, which is pretty bad.

      1. Oh, I almost forgot about the new Triad Tri-band and Quad-band filters. They are a little out of my budget, but I hear they can do wonders with a one-shot color camera shooting from the city. I’ll wait until they come down in price before I get one. lol

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