Horse Head Nebula – Winter of 2020 Version

B33, The Horse Head Nebula and Flame Nebula Region. Dec 17/18, 2020. 46×180 sec, QHY183c at -20C, Gain 20, Offset 100, Optolong L-eNhance filter, Televue TV-85 at F5.6, Bortle 7-8 zone metro area. Clear, transparent, 40F.

I had a little trouble with streetlights and two satellite trails for this shot, but I salvaged what I could.   I like the way the 3 minute sub-images are working out, though, now that I’ve tuned the guiding to get usable subs at that exposure setting.   That exposure seems to be the sweet-spot for this camera and filter combo at my location.

Below is the image above, but with data add in from my last imaging session of it from a full moon night on Halloween, 2020.   I like the way the portrait and landscape versions had diffraction spikes at 90 degrees to each other:

Horse Head and Flame Nebula Region. 262 x 30 sec at gain 37, offset 200, plus 46×180 sec, QHY183c at -20C, Gain 20, Offset 100, Optolong L-eNhance filter, Televue TV-85 at F5.6, Bortle 7-8 zone metro area. Clear, transparent, 40F.

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