NGC 2158 and M35 (Partial)

NGC 2158 and part of M35 taken on Dec 11, 2017. 275×8 sec @ Gain 2098, SharpCap 2.9, RT Sony IMX224, Televue TV-85 at F/5.6. Resized to 200% in post processing.

I had in mind when starting this that I could get a mosaic going for M35 and its nearby companion, NGC 2158.    So, I started on NGC 2158 first since it is the more interesting cluster.     By the time I was finished, my window to shoot was just about over, so I moved on to something else and did not finish the mosaic.

What I did get came out OK for 8 second exposures.      I will probably go back to it the next time I use the Rising Tech Sony IMX224 eyepiece cam.    It is actually enjoyable watching SharpCap do live stacking with the short exposures.    Reminds me of the old days when I was doing mostly planetary imaging.   lol    🙂

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