Here is another go at Comet Johnson from the city with my older Canon XS camera. The light pollution was at a minimum with above average transparency and low humidity levels this night. Still, being limited by the LP in exposure time made getting the ultra-dim ion tail and the full extent of the dust tail almost impossible.

Comet Johnson, May 14, 2017, 02:05 UT. 58×180 sec @ ISO 400, IDAS-LPS, mod Canon XS, TV-85 at F/5.6. Star-Freeze version.
I wanted to go to my dark sky location and shoot this, but the conditions were so iffy that I stayed in town. Clouds plagued the area all afternoon and it was just before twilight ended that the skies became clear enough to image. So, I probably could have done good away from the city, but the risk of it not clearing and wasting my time waiting for the clouds to leave was just too high.