Terrible conditions (and location) for this imaging session. I tried several things before settling on one minute sub-images as my best bet for the conditions. (Bortle 7/Orange zone, high-altitude jet stream clouds with bad seeing and temps near 60 degrees, which while nice and cool for us, is a bit warm for a Canon sensor inside a camera body. )
What can I say? At least there was some photogenic aspect with Capella in the image. Processing was difficult with lots of residual noise from all the LP, clouds and warm temps. But, it was an opportunity to image. Late December usually doesn’t offer much in the way of clear night time skies.
After these 1 minute subs, I took a chance and shot 20 x 300 sec images at ISO 100 while tracking the comet with the guider. I was able to add those in to the above image and I came out with this as a result:
As you can see, the longer subs managed to pull more of the ion tail out of the muck. I also added some of this to the star-freeze version and updated the display images.