Globular Cluster M79 in Lepus

Globular Cluster M79 in Lepus, Feb 23, 2017, 02:10 UT. 18×120 sec @ ISO 1600, TV-85 at F/5.6, Canon T3, Atlas EQ-G w/EQMOD.

M79 is one of those globulars that sometimes gets glossed over for all the goodies in Orion, which is right above Lepus.  I can’t remember shooting it in the past, but I may have something on it that I just don’t quite know where or when.

I found it.  10 years ago in Januarly of 2007 I shot it with an 8 inch,  F/4 Schmidt-Newtonian.   Here’s the combined data from that with this shot:

Combined data from 2007 and the 8″ F/4 Meade SN8 (22×60 sec @ ISO 1600) with the TV-85 shot.

This is a 100% crop of the central area of the frame.   It lies in a field that is full of faint fuzzies, including NGC 1886, which is like a miniature version of famous edge-on galaxies NGC 4565 or NGC 891.   It got cropped out in this view, unfortunately.

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