It was a clear Thursday afternoon and early evening, Feb 9th, 2023 (Feb 10th in Universal Time after 6pm here in Cajun Country,) when I tried to image Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) again. The clearing didn’t last long, however. Clouds interrupted and got into many of the sub-images. In one case of 30+ sub-images, half had to be eliminated.
But, what I did manage to get was good enough to produce several star-freeze versions and at least one star-streaks version of the comet on this night. Plus, as a bonus one more deep sky object.

This one was processed as an arcsinh (color) stretch that seems to work for this exposure and didn’t with other stacks. This is the same data as the above image, btw. Different take and look.

I had good luck on the Rosette for a short run from about 11:30 PM till midnight, which is when the moon rose. The data was good and cloud free. Despite the lack of exposure, it was adequate enough to get this level of a display image: