Solar Eclipse Animated GIF (TV-85 at F/5.6, Canon T3)
Down here in Cajun Country in south Louisiana, we had a decent 73% coverage at maximum for the recent solar eclipse that occurred on August 21, 2017, 01:24 PM CDT. I managed to get quite a few shots of it, too:
Solar Eclipse Thumbnail Gallery.
Two of the better still images I took are below:
Beginning of EclipseSolar Eclipse, Aug 21, 2017, 01:24 PM (Maximum Coverage. TV-85 at F/5.6, Canon T3)
Comet Pan-STARRS Early Morning, April 1 to April 6, 2013.
As of this writing, this is what we have in store for Comet Pan-STARRS down here in southern Louisiana. Its evening viewing period is almost totally dominated by twilight, so the morning part of the comet’s apparition is what I’ll be concentrating on, now.
On April 1st it will be low at the start of strong twilight about 80 minutes before sunrise. This point is about the limit for shooting images because of the encroaching twilight, so any images need to be shot before then. It will be only 4 degrees or so above the horizon, so it will be very difficult if the sky conditions are not right. Conditions improve somewhat by April 6, 2013, so I think I stand a better chance then. At 5:30 am, the beginning of astronomical twilight, the comet will be over 7 degrees high, which improves my chances considerably for getting usable images. If I start shooting then, I have about 10 minutes to shoot before strong twilight gets me. lol 😀 Continue reading Comet Pan-STARRS April 1 to April 6, 2013→
Visibility From 30 Degrees N. Lat., March 12th to 14th
All this testing of camera and mounts I’ve been doing lately is for Comet Panstarrs. It is very low in the west at sunset now, but it is getting higher each night. It should be high enough out of the muck to see by March 12, 2013, when it will be next to the moon right at twilight.