Comet 41P was the main target I was after for my imaging session on the night of Friday/Saturday, April 21/22, 2017. It has gotten further away from Earth and is therefore smaller, but it is still relatively bright. I wanted to get it before it gets any smaller and dimmer.
It is still in the northern skies and circumpolar and thus visible all night. I still had to wait for it to get high enough and out of the combined LP domes of Abbeville and Lafayette, LA to the northeast. Transparency was only so-so this night and the LP was really noticeable. Very humid, too. Temps were in the lower 70’s/high 60’s during the night, so the camera was on the warm side. The seeing was pretty good this night, however.
I shot 2 dozen images (about 2hrs worth) and only had to throw away one. My mount got stuck again while tracking and I had to shake it loose. The image that was finished right afterwards was no good due to that. I think the overhaul of my mount is long overdue. Another project that I really need to get done. lol