I took this shot on the morning of September 25, 2016. I was trying out my new Smartphone Digiscoping Adapter, which is a mount for most kinds of camera phones to a telescope.
The adapter was hooked to a 6″ F/8 Dobsonian with a 25mm Plossl eyepiece. This device just clamps onto the barrel of any eyepiece and gets the lens of the camera phone centered right over the eyepiece lens. I was able to get a stable view so that I could focus and compose the shot better with my low end camera phone.
I did not have much exposure control with the old phone I was using for this. I had the settings at -2.0 stops under and it still overexposed the limb area. I hope to replace my old phone with something better in the near future that will let me do manual exposure control.
Even with a better phone, the moon and maybe a bright planet are really all you can take with this kind of setup, since there is no tracking with a Dob and most camera phones are not sensitive enough to take snapshots of astronomical objects like nebulae, star clusters and galaxies. Hopefully, one day that will change.