NGC 4244 Edge-On Galaxy in Canes Venatici

NGC 4244 on Jan 17, 2021. 61 x 180 sec, QHY183c at -20C, Gain 11 (Unity,) Offset 100, Baader UHC-S filter, Televue TV-85 at F/5.6.

3hrs of exposure for this nice edge-on galaxy.  It got cloudy towards the end of the run and there was a serious guiding error on the full 61×180 sec stack.  But, I managed to salvage the stack by copying the background and galaxy and pasting that in as a lightened blend on top of a 47×180 sec saved stack for the stars that did not have a guiding error.   Lucky I saved it before it got ruined.

Here is a closer crop with a saturation boost:

NGC 4244 on Jan 17, 2021. 61 x 180 sec, QHY183c at -20C, Gain 11 (Unity,) Offset 100, Baader UHC-S filter, Televue TV-85 at F/5.6. Close crop.

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