North American Nebula Area – Wide Field

The North American Nebula Area. 10×300 sec @ ISO 1600, modified Canon XS, Astronomik CLS filter, Sigma Zoom 28-70 at 28mm, F/2.8.

I salvaged what I could of this one.   I had problems with the acquisition of the sub-images and it was mainly caused by dew.   I had to wipe the lens down several times and every time I did, the focus or focal length changed.    I was able to fix it by installing a dew heater strip on the lens, but that was not until the next set.

I gave up on these after an hour of fighting it.   I should have installed the heater before shooting, but I was in a rush to get data and there was not any dew problems in the beginning.

But, at least I got something out of it.   Anyway, here’s a portrait orientation version of the data with North at the top:

The North American Nebula Area. 10×300 sec @ ISO 1600, modified Canon XS, Astronomik CLS filter, Sigma Zoom 28-70 at 28mm, F/2.8. Portrait version.

And here is a close crop of the central region:

The North American Nebula Area. 10×300 sec @ ISO 1600, modified Canon XS, Astronomik CLS filter, Sigma Zoom 28-70 at 28mm, F/2.8. Close crop.

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