Cassiopeia Region Wide Angle

Cassiopeia region including M31, wide angle view. 6×300 sec @ ISO 1600, Sigma 28-70 Zoom at 28mm, F/2.8, Astronomic CLS filter. North is to the right in this view.

By luck I framed this one with M31 and the Cassiopeia region and got all the good nebulae that were in the area to boot.  You can see the Heart and Soul Nebulae, the PacMan Nebula, emission nebula NGC 7822, and other smaller nebulae like the one near Gamma Cass.    The Double Cluster is there along with lots of other open clusters.

It is not the best lens and I did do some distortion correction in PS.  It was a little difficult to process since this was the first time I used the Astronomik CLS filter.   Before, I had one light pollution filter and two cameras, so I finally got another one so they both have one.    All I need now is a small mount for light loads like the setup I used here and I could get two cameras going at the same time.   Yeah, buddy!  🙂

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