Comet 62P/Tsuchinshan

62P/Tsuchinshan on Oct 29, 2017, 09:17 UT. 8×180 sec @ ISO 3200, TV-85 at F/5.6, Canon T3, IDAS-LPS.  Star-Freeze version.  Close-crop at 100% resolution.
62P/Tsuchinshan on Oct 29, 2017, 09:17 UT. 8×180 sec @ ISO 3200, TV-85 at F/5.6, Canon T3, IDAS-LPS. Star-Streaks version. Cropped.

Here is a quickie of 62P/Tsuchinshan.  Only 8 sub-images, but it went deep enough to pick up a few faint fuzzies.   The comet was predicted to be dim, so I was not expecting much from it.   My main target this night was another comet just a few degrees away, which is why I did not spend much time on this guy.   But, it looks promising and I might try for it again soon.

There is something weird about this stack, though.   Some sort of artifact, maybe?   It looks like two tails, but I can’t be sure.   Its more apparent in a negative view of the star-streaks image:

62P_Tsuchinshan Star Streaks version negative view.


I also have a full-field, star-freeze view at 100% resolution.  It is more “pristine” than the other images with only minimal processing :

62P/Tsuchinshan on Oct 29, 2017, 09:17 UT. 8×180 sec @ ISO 3200, TV-85 at F/5.6, Canon T3, IDAS-LPS.

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