The California Nebula from a Bortle Red Zone

The California Nebula – 1×300 sec @ ISO 200, Canon XS (modified,) 72mm Lumicon Deep Sky filter, IDAS-LPS drop-in filter, Canon 200mm F/2.8.

Here is a one exposure image taken in the middle of a Bortle Red Zone with 2 light pollution filters in place to help with all the LP.   I managed to get quite a bit of nebulosity with 5 minute sub-images at F/2.8 and ISO 200 on my older, modified Canon XS camera.

What helped was the sky conditions, which were very transparent and clear.   I am glad I did not waste one of the few great nights of the year.

The above image is just a tease, btw.   I have a number of these subs just waiting to get calibrated, stacked and processed.   I will probably just tack the finished product onto this thread when I am done.

Edit:  Done!

The California Nebula – 23×300 sec @ ISO 200, Canon XS (modified,) 72mm Lumicon Deep Sky filter, IDAS-LPS drop-in front filter, Canon 200mm F/2.8.

There you go.   Tacked on as promised.  lol    I accumulated almost 2 hours worth of data and considering the location, it did not come out too bad.

The California Nebula. Cropped and rotated.

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