Comet 41p with a Toupcam

Comet 41P on Mar 16, 2017 03:17 UT. 141×8 sec, Toupcam AR0130C, TV-85 at F/7.

I was fooling around with the Toupcam from a red/white LP zone and trying to get Comet 41P to show up.   I ended up using SharpCap and doing live stacking with between 10 to 23 x 8 sec exposures for each stack.  Then, I combined those stacks in IRIS and aligned them on the comet.  It came out to be a total of 18 minutes worth of exposure, albeit in a heavy LP zone.   So, I got it to show up, but the color and faint details of the tail and coma got lost in the noise.

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