M67 Open Cluster in Cancer

M67 Open Cluster in Cancer. Taken on Jan 29, 2017. 38×60 sec @ ISO 400, TV-85 at F/5.6, Canon T3, Atlas EQ-G w/EQMOD.

With the heavy light pollution (LP) I’ve had to deal with where I’m imaging from lately, I decided a few open clusters would be better targets than anything too faint like nebulae and galaxies.  At around 10:30 pm on this particular night, M67 was in perfect position to be imaged.

The LP limited me to 1 minute exposures at ISO 400, so it is not a very deep image.   Getting rid of the LP in processing knocks the colors out and I had to work hard to get a little of the colors back.   Oh, well… at least I’m able to get something useful out of the data.


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