Comet Lovejoy in Strong Moonlight – Jan 27, 2015

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) on Jan 27, 2015, 01:17 UT. 31x120 sec @ ISO 3200, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Lumicon Deep Sky filter, Canon T3 DSLR.
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) on Jan 27, 2015, 01:17 UT. 31×120 sec @ ISO 3200, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Lumicon Deep Sky filter, Canon T3 DSLR.

With the moon only a few degrees away in the sky and just past 1st quarter, imaging Comet Lovejoy Q2 was iffy at best.  Well, I did it anyway and here are the results.  Since the comet is relatively bright, it can be imaged with the right filters and exposure.

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