Lovejoy Q2 & The Pleiades – Another Wide Field View

Canon 18-55mm Telephoto at 55mm, F/5.6, 16x480 sec @ ISO 3200
Comet Lovejoy Q2 & The Pleiades.  16×480 sec @ ISO 1600, Canon 18-55mm Telephoto at 55mm, F/5.6,, Lumicon Deep Sky Filter, modified Canon XS.  Dark version.
omet Lovejoy Q2 & The Pleiades. 16×480 sec @ ISO 1600, Canon 18-55mm Telephoto at 55mm, F/5.6,, Lumicon Deep Sky Filter, modified Canon XS. Lighter version.

The Canon kit lens that came with my camera sat unused for so long, I figured I should at least test it a bit for astro use.   This is the second time I used it.  But, no matter how hard I tried, the focus was never very good and I had to repair the misshapen stars in Photoshop.

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