It was predicted to be clear on March 20, 2013 when I took the above picture. However, a low bank of clouds moved in at the last moment and messed up my plans to shoot Comet Pan-STARRS with the Canon 200mm F/2.8 telephoto lens for a wide-angle view. The mount wasn’t tracking very well, either and I wasted quite a few shots because of that issue. So, the only good image of the comet came through a crack in the clouds.
While there was still lots of twilight, I got this shot, too:

At least I didn’t scratch. lol. Since the mount was giving me trouble, I worked on it and then tested it to see if it was fixed. Here’s a 15 second exposure of the Pleiades through the trees that I did. Thirty seconds showed a little trailing, but this 15-second shot did not show much, if any, trailing: