Comet Lovejoy (C/2013 R1) on November 29, 2013

C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy), Nov 29, 2013. 40x15 sec @ ISO 3200, Canon 200mm at F/2.8, IDAS-LPS, Lumicon Deep Sky, modified Canon T3 DSLR.
C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy), Nov 29, 2013. 40×15 sec @ ISO 3200, Canon 200mm at F/2.8, IDAS-LPS, Lumicon Deep Sky, modified Canon T3 DSLR.

With all the hype about Comet ISON going on over the past 2 days, we still have a very nice comet to look at that is putting on just as good a show – Comet Lovejoy.  Here’s how it looked the morning after Thanksgiving Day with a 200mm F/2.8 telephoto lens mounted on a simple equatorial tracking mount.    I used 2 light pollution filters for this since I had to shoot towards a very bright LP dome from a metropolitan area to my northeast.  It was a test and it seems to have worked beautifully.   Next time,  I’ll try this with the camera on my bigger mount and track the comet with much longer exposures.

Below is the star-streaks version of the image that is only lightly processed to preserve more of the original data:

Comet Lovejoy - Star-Streaks Version.
Comet Lovejoy – Star-Streaks Version.

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