Comet ISON on October 24, 2013

Comet ISON, Oct 24, 2013.  9x60 sec @ ISO 1600, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, modified Canon T3.
Comet ISON, Oct 24, 2013. 9×60 sec @ ISO 1600, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, modified Canon T3.

I had setup the scope to catch Comet Linear, so ISON was not really my target this time.  It was in the trees most of the time.  However, there was a short window where it was in the clear and I managed to get 9 minutes of data on it.  Not enough for an eye-popping image but enough to document its progress since my last session with it.

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