Comet Lovejoy and the Pleiades – Wide Field

Comet Lovejoy and the Pleiades. 17x120 sec @ ISO 1600, 55mm F/5.6, Canon XS (modified.)
Comet Lovejoy and the Pleiades. 17×120 sec @ ISO 1600, 55mm F/5.6, Canon XS (modified.)

On Sunday, January 18, 2015, the skies were finally crystal clear.  I used a 18-55mm Canon kit lens and shot Lovejoy Q2 with it.   Not exactly the image scale I wanted, but I needed to test that lens anyway, since I’ve never used it before.

I did not have an LP filter for this and it shows.  I went 2 minutes at F/5.6 and it was almost too much.  With the Lumicon or IDAS filters I own, I could go 5 to 8 minutes easily.

Update:   Improved Image

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