Close-Up of The Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula on Nov 28, 2014. 24x60 sec and 27x300 sec @ ISO 1600, C8 at F/6.3, IDAS-LPS, Canon T3 (modified.)
The Orion Nebula on Nov 28, 2014. 24×60 sec and 27×300 sec @ ISO 1600, C8 at F/6.3, IDAS-LPS, Canon T3 (modified.)

One of my first images shot through a telescope at prime focus was of M42, the Orion Nebula.  It was taken with my Celestron C8 SCT and 35mm film.  Here’s the latest digital version of the same object taken with the same scope.     I had to work hard aligning and collimating the scope before taking the sub-images for this, but the old girl is back in shape and delivered some useful data for this often imaged object.  It just fits in the field of view at 1260mm of focal length.

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