Albireo – The Finest Double Star in the Sky

Albireo on Oct 31, 2014. 20x60 sec @ ISO 400, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Modified Canon T3.
Albireo on Oct 31, 2014. 20×60 sec @ ISO 400, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, Modified Canon T3.
Close-up crop.
Albireo on Oct 31, 2014.  Close-up crop.

I started off Halloween night by imaging Albireo, an amazing double star in Cygnus.   It was during twilight and there was also some moonlight, so I went with ISO 400 so that I could do 1 minute exposures and get good color and depth.

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