Comet ISON, Mars and Regulus – October 16, 2013

Comet ISON, Mars and Regulus, Oct 16, 2013. 11×60 sec @ ISO 1600, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, modified Canon T3.

In this shot, I rotated the camera to a portrait orientation and managed to fit all three objects in one frame.  I was not sure I could get this to work since my scope didn’t have the clearance to have the camera in this position.  But, I managed to figure out a way.

Crop showing just Comet ISON and Mars.
Crop showing just Comet ISON and Mars.

This is the last image I’ll probably get during the moonless period that comprised the first half of October, 2013.  The moon will now dominate the morning sky and wash out Comet ISON and will not get out of the way for at least 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, my session was cut short by clouds and then before I had a chance to bring the equipment in, a light rain shower passed over.  Luckily, it rained lightly and only for a very short time.  My camera and scope were covered with a black garment that I use when taking darks, so they didn’t get too wet.


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