M38, NGC 1907 and IC 417

M38 Region.  17x180 @ ISO 1600 & 40x30 sec @ ISO 6400.
M38 Region. 17×180 @ ISO 1600 & 40×30 sec @ ISO 6400.

This is a busy area in the Auriga constellation.  M38 is an open cluster at the top of the frame.  Beneath that is NGC 1907, another open cluster.  To the right side is a faint nebula listed as LBN794 in Cartes du Ciel.   At the bottom of the frame another patch of nebula known as IC 417/LBN804.

Edit:  I managed to add 40×30 sec @ ISO 6400 sub-images to this and the above image has been updated.  Below is the original details and image:

I had taken 28 sub-images for this, but for some reason guiding wasn’t working right and I had to throw out eleven subs.   So, it really needs lots more time to bring out that faint nebula that is visible throughout the frame.   I have plenty of time to get it this month, hopefully.

M38, NGC 1907 & IC 417. 17×180 sec @ ISO 1600, TV-85 at F/5.6, IDAS-LPS, modified Canon T3.

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