Comet Pan-STARRS March 25, 2013

Comet Panstarrs.  1x8 sec @ ISO 800, 200mm F/2.8.
Comet Panstarrs. 1×8 sec @ ISO 800, 200mm F/2.8.

Ok, I managed to get a shot of Comet Panstarrs despite the moon and lingering twilight.   At least you see the comet.  Somewhat.  lol

It was a little difficult to shoot images and entertain visitors simultaneously.  Its a long story, but suffice it to say that by the time I was finally shooting images, the comet was already deep in the muck.  In fact, it was there by the time it got dark enough to shoot long exposures.

Oh, well… at least I didn’t scratch.  🙂

I also cropped it more in portrait mode in this rendition:

Comet Pan-STARRS, March 25, 2013.  1x8 sec @ ISO 800.
Comet Pan-STARRS, March 25, 2013. 1×8 sec @ ISO 800.

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