Comet Panstarrs – March 16, 2013

Comet Panstarrs – 15×2 sec, 5×4 sec @ ISO 1600, Canon 200mm F/2.8 w/2X Teleconverter

This image of the comet was a lucky catch between cloud bands.  There’s still some haze even in this shot, but you can see the comet and its tail well enough to make it worthwhile.  I took a quite a few images, but most had clouds in it.  The few that had the least clouds around the comet I copied just the comet and blended it in as a luminosity layer in PS.

So, the comet parts of 4 other 4-sec images, 15 other 2-sec images and a base 4-sec image is what I had and I did what I could to make it half-presentable.  I could have totally scratched and not got anything, so I’m pretty happy with just this.   Clouds are predicted for the next few days, so this might have been my last image of the comet until the moon is out of the sky.

For the heck of it, I made an animated GIF image showing the comet movement in and out the clouds.   Click here or below to see a larger version (8MB) or just watch this 2MB smaller version:


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