Panstarrs – March 14, 2013

Panstarrs - March 14, 2013.  40x4 & 1x6 @ ISO 1600.  400mm, F/5.6.
Panstarrs – March 14, 2013. 40×4 & 1×6 @ ISO 1600. 400mm, F/5.6.

This was probably the last night without significant interference from the Moon for Comet Panstarrs.   I took advantage of the exceptionally clear evening and decided that I’d give it another go before moonlight washes it out.   This base image was in the second to last set I shot this evening and I decided it looked photogenic enough to post.  I took 40 x 4 second sub-images and stacked them and then overlayed the results of that on the base image to create this final image.

I made a little animation, too.  Check it out:


The animation is about 50 frames from the sets that included the first image.  If you click the small version above, the link will take you to a 640×427 version that show the comet better.

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